5 Key Skills for a Disrupted Future

According to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs 2023 report there are 5 key skills that will be of the most importance by 2025 and these will become the primary focus for companies to invest as the corporate world changes.

6 in 10 employees will require skills training before 2027, but only 25% of employees are seen to have access to adequate skills training opportunities. Between now and 2027 the corporate sector predicts that 44% of employees core skills will be disrupted because technology is moving faster than companies can design and scale up the skills training programmes.

Here are the top 5 skills that will need investment through training if a company is to stay ahead of the change curve.

Analytical Thinking

Analytical thinking is a critical skill that involves the ability to solve problems, make decisions, and evaluate complex situations by breaking them down into their component parts and examining those parts systematically.

74% of experts predict demand for analytical thinking will grow over the next 5 years as it is among the skills least affected by automation.

Creative Thinking

Creative thinking is a valuable skill that involves generating innovative ideas, solving problems in unconventional ways, and thinking beyond traditional boundaries.

Demand for problem solving skills is expected to grow even faster with 75% of businesses saying the need for training in creative thinking will rise over the next 5 years.

AI & Big Data

AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Big Data are two interconnected and rapidly evolving fields with a high demand for skilled professionals. To excel in these areas, employees need to continuously update their knowledge and skills.

Global firms surveyed, say that 9% of their whole training budgets will focus on this area of skill development.


Effective leadership is a critical skill that can be developed and honed through continuous learning and self-improvement. Leadership training needs can vary based on an employees’ current role, career goals, and personal strengths and weaknesses.

This is the highest ranked interpersonal skill on the list with 4 in 10 businesses are expected to focus on leadership in the skills training strategies.

Curiosity & Lifelong Learning

Curiosity and lifelong learning are essential qualities for personal and professional growth. Both are ongoing processes. The key is to maintain a growth mindset and a genuine interest in exploring new knowledge and experiences throughout life. Curiosity and an aptitude for Lifelong learning reflects an employees’ ability to adapt to change as technology threatens to disrupt many existing skills.

*The Future of Jobs Report 2023 surveyed 803 companies around the world, representing 27 sectors and more than 11.3 million employees.

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